
privacy policy

This policy explains the what, how, and why of the information we collect when you use revolutioniseSPORT. It also explains the specific ways we use and disclose that information. We never sell or share the information of our Clients.

We'll start with the basics, including a few definitions that should help you understand this agreement. revolutioniseSPORT ("revolutioniseSPORT" or the "Service") is a cloud based sports management platform offered through the URL (the "Website") that allows you to manage your sporting club, association or organisation.

revolutioniseSPORT is owned and operated by SportsGrid Pty Ltd (ACN 158 173 767), an Australian corporation ("SportsGrid", "we", or "us"). SportsGrid has employees, independent contractors, and representatives ("our Team"). As a customer of the Service or a representative of an entity that's a customer of the Service, you're a "Client" according to this agreement (or "you"). If you are a member of a sporting organisation (that is, a member of a Client), this Privacy Policy govern your access to revolutioniseSPORT too (though some of the information here is clearly intended for our paying Clients).

If you are a member of one of our Clients (for example, you are a competitive sports player who is a member of a national sporting body), then you should also check the Privacy Policy of your sporting organisation as to how they deal with your data. We will never use YOUR information as a member of one of our Clients (see Clause 9 below). Your information is the property of our Clients, not us.


1. Changes

We may change this Privacy Policy by posting on our Website and/or by adding a notification into your account and/or by an email to the last email address you gave us. Unless you terminate your account within seven (7) calendar days, the new Privacy Policy will be effective immediately and apply to any continued or new use of revolutioniseSPORT.

We won't treat information of any open account differently from any other open account. If you object to changes in our Privacy Policy, we'll have to terminate your account. To reiterate, the information in revolutioniseSPORT belongs to our clients, not us. We don't use the member information collected as it is not ours to use - see our Terms of Service for more information.

2. Effective Date

This Privacy Policy is effective with respect to any data that we've collected, or collect, about and/or from you, according to our Terms of Service.

3. Questions

If you have any questions or comments, or if you want to update, delete, or change any Personal Information youve submitted on the Website, please contact the sporting organisation you are registered with. If you are not satisfied with their response, please use our contact form to get in touch.

You may also contact us by postal mail at:

Privacy Department
Ground Floor, 32
11-21 Underwood Rd

your information

4. Information We Collect

  1. Information You Provide to Us: When you register to use the Services, communicate with our customer service team, or send us an email, you're giving us information that we collect. That information may include your IP address, name, physical address, email address, phone number, and other details like gender, occupation, and other demographic information. By giving us this information, you consent to your information being collected, used, disclosed, and stored by us, only as described in our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  2. Sporting Information: When you add data into our Services, we have access to the data on your account.
  3. Information from your Use of the Service: We may get information about how and when you use the Services. This information may include your IP address, time, date, browser used, and actions taken by you within the application.
  4. Cookies: When you register to use revolutioniseSPORT, we store "cookies", which are strings of code, on your computer. We use those cookies to collect information about when you visit our Website, when you use the Services, your browser type and version, your operating system, and other similar information. You may turn off cookies that have been placed on your computer by following the instructions on your browser, but if you block our cookies, it may be more difficult (and maybe even impossible) to use the Services.
  5. Web Beacons: When you send emails to registered revolutioniseSPORT users, we'll sometimes track who opened the emails and who clicked the links. We do that so you can measure your Email Campaigns performance and to improve our features for specific segments of customers. To do this, we include single pixel gifs, also called web beacons, in emails we send. Web beacons allow us to collect information about when you open the email, your IP address, your browser or email client type, and other similar details. We also include Web Beacons in the emails we deliver for you. We use the data from those Web Beacons to create the reports you see about who has or hasn't opened emails or clicked links. Reports are also available to us when we send you email, so we may collect and review that information.
  6. Information from Other Sources: We may get more information about you, like name, age, and participation in social media websites, by searching the internet or querying third parties (we'll refer to that information as Supplemental Member Information). We only collect data that's publicly available or provided by a third party according to its terms of use.

5. Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Information

We may use and disclose your Personal Information only as follows:

  1. To promote use of our Services. For example, if you leave your Personal Information when you visit our Website and don't sign up for any of the Services, we may send you an email asking whether you want to sign up. And if you use any of our Services, and we think you might benefit from using another Service we offer, we may send you an email telling you about it.
  2. To bill and collect money owed to us. This includes sending you emails, invoices, receipts, notices of delinquency, and alerting you if a payment fails. We use third parties for secure credit card transaction processing, and we send billing information to those third parties to process your orders and credit card payments. To learn more about the steps we take to safeguard that data, see Clause 10 below.
  3. To send you System Alert Messages. For example, we may let you know about temporary or permanent changes to our Services, like planned outages, new features, version updates, releases, abuse warnings, and changes to our Privacy Policy and Terms.
  4. To enforce compliance with our Terms of Use and applicable law. This may include developing tools and algorithms that help us prevent violations.
  5. To provide customer support.
  6. To protect the rights and safety of our Clients and third parties, as well as our own.
  7. To meet legal requirements like complying with court orders and valid subpoenas.
  8. To provide information to representatives and advisors, like attorneys and accountants, to help us comply with legal, accounting, or security requirements.
  9. To prosecute and defend a court, arbitration, or similar proceeding.
  10. To support and improve the Services we offer.
  11. To communicate with you about your account for informational reasons.
  12. To transfer your information in the case of a sale, merger, consolidation, or acquisition. In that event, any acquirer will be subject to our obligations under this Privacy Policy, including your rights to access and choice. We will notify you of the change either by sending you an email or posting a notice on our Web site.
  13. To send you informational and promotional content that you may choose (or "opt in") to receive. You can stop receiving our promotional emails by following the unsubscribe instructions included in every email.


Occasionally, we have to disclose information about our customers to meet legal requirements. Third-party disputes are an example: If two parties have a dispute, and one of them used revolutioniseSPORT in a way that's relevant to the dispute, then we might get a request for user data. Whether we say "no way" or comply depends on the subpoena.

Unsubscribe Links

It's the law! Unsubscribe links are required by law in many jurisdictions. Plus, making it easy for people to opt out is the nice thing to do.

6. Public Information and Third Parties

  1. Social Media Widgets. Our Websites include social media features, like the Facebook Like button. These features may collect information about your IP address and which page you're visiting on our site, and they may set a cookie to make sure the feature functions properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our site. Your interactions with those features are governed by the privacy policies of the companies that provide them.
  2. Links to Third-Party Sites. Our Websites include links to other websites, whose privacy practices may be different from that of revolutioniseSPORT. If you submit Personal Information to any of those sites, your information is governed by their privacy policies. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy policy of any Website you visit.
  3. Service Providers. If it is necessary to provide you a service you've requested, like send SMSs, then we may provide your personal information to a service provider (in this case, the phone numbers to send the messages to!). We will restrict any service provider's use of your personal information. We will tell you whenever reasonably possible and you may request at any time the name of our service providers.

7. Content of Email Campaigns

When you send email marketing, it bounces around from server to server as it crosses the internet. Along the way, server administrators can read what you send. Email wasn't built for confidential information. If you have something confidential to send, please don't use revolutioniseSPORT.

Sometimes we review the content of our Client email campaigns to make sure they comply with our Terms of Use. To improve that process, we have software that helps us find email campaigns that may violate our Terms. Our employees or independent contractors may review those particular Email Campaigns. This benefits all of our Members who comply with the Terms of Use because, among other things, it reduces the amount of spam being sent through our servers and helps to maintain high deliverability.


Our rule of thumb is "Never send anything in an email that you wouldn't put on a postcard."

your members

8. Your Member Lists

Your member lists are stored on a secure revolutioniseSPORT server. We don't, under any circumstances, sell your lists, contact people on your lists, market to people on your lists, steal your lists, or share your lists with any other party, unless it's required by law. If someone on your list complains or contacts us, we may then contact that person. Only authorised employees have access to view Member Lists. You may export (download) your lists from revolutioniseSPORT at any time, for as long as we have a copy (see our Terms of Service regarding how long we'll keep your data after account closure).

We'll use and disclose the information in your Member Lists only for the reasons listed under Use of Your Personal Information, except the following. (In other words, we will not use and disclose the information in your Member Lists to):

  • bill or collect money owed to us;
  • send you system alert messages;
  • communicate with you about your account; or
  • send you informational and promotional content.

Your Member Data

It's worth repeating: We respect your privacy and your members' privacy. We'd never sell your information or bother anyone on your member list.


9. Notice of Breach of Security

Nobody's safe from hackers. If a security breach causes an unauthorised intrusion into our system that materially affects you or people on your Member Lists, then revolutioniseSPORT will notify you as soon as possible and later report the action we took in response.

10. Safeguarding Your Information

To protect your information, our credit card processing vendors (Pin Payments and PayPal) use PCI-compliant technology for secure transactions and have industry-leading certification. You are advised to check the individual merchant's ongoing efforts to protect your information before using them for online payment.

revolutioniseSPORT accounts require a username and password to log in. You must keep your username and password secure, and never disclose it to a third party. Because the information in your Member Lists is so sensitive, account passwords are encrypted, which means we can't see your passwords. We can't resend forgotten passwords either. We'll only reset them.

To learn more about our Data Security, please see our Terms of Service.


11. Accuracy of Data, Transparency, and Choice

We do our best to keep your data accurate and up to date, to the extent that you provide us with the information we need to do that. If your data changes (like a new email address), then you're responsible for notifying us of those changes.

We only store data about you for as long as it's reasonably required to fulfill the purposes that gave us the right to access it in the first place. We keep some data indefinitely, relating to when and where accounts were logged into, when emails were sent, which bounced, which resulted in a complaint, and similar information, because we use it to help us screen out people who violate anti-spam laws, and for other reasons explained in this policy.

We'll give you access to any Personal Information about you that we hold within 30 days of any request for that information you make by Unless it's prohibited by law, we'll remove any Personal Information about you from our servers at your request.

12. Enforcement

We regularly review our compliance with this Privacy Policy. If we receive a written complaint, then we'll respond to the person who made it.

Thanks for taking the time to learn about revolutioniseSPORT's privacy policy, and thanks for trusting us to handle your sport.