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revolutionsieSPORT chairs panel at Sports Analytics Summit in Melbourne

View all · 04 Aug 2017 · revolutioniseSPORT

revolutioniseSPORT was grateful for the opportunity today to speak at the Australia Sports Analytics Conference (SAC) 2017. 

The Australia Sports Analytics Conference is the premier forum for industry professionals and executives interested in the role of data and analytics in the Australian and global sports industry. More than 800 attendees from the fields of sports, analytics, marketing, technology and more attended this year to listen to over 30 presentations across three key tracks, throughout the 1-day event.

Digital Director Teresa Simonetti chaired a panel session of sport executives about their experiences in digitising their sports, including speakers from:

  • Melissa O'Brien, Australian Dragon Boat Federation
  • Ryan Taylor, Ski & Snowboard Australia
  • Sarah Loh, Metro South West Football 
  • Matt Brown, Calisthenics Victoria
  • Professor Rochelle Eime, Victoria University

The themes of the event were:

  • Teams & Leagues - Hear from many of Australia’s leading sporting codes plus Australian and global professional sporting teams.
  • Fans, Brands & Engagement - Fans have never been closer. See how leading sports marketers are leveraging data and analytics to create new and improved fan loyalty and experience.
  • Sports Technology & Data Science - One of sports hottest topics: Hear how data and analytics is being used to improve performance and make better in-game and training decisions.

You can find more information about the SAC on their website.