A thin blue line diagram of a person from the shoulders up, with dashed arrows
                        drawn at right angles pointing at them from different directions.


Membership data is your most critical asset. Whether you're looking to pool together and maintain a membership database, or gain more advanced insights into your member demographics—we've got the tools to give your membership data the care and attention it deserves.

One member profile
Tailor your membership form
Linked member profile photos
Age verification capabilities
Track ongoing participation
Filtered demographic reporting

A thin blue dashed-line geometric drawing of a piggy bank with a coin being dropped into it.


Cheques... paper receipts... manual invoicing... be gone! Make your Treasurer happy with automatic invoicing, member-driven online payments, and integrated expenses management—less time chasing cash and more time spent on securing your organisation's financial future.

Collect & process payments online
Auto-reconciliation capabilities
Manage expenses & outgoings
Set up payment plans
Generate informative reports
Export to MYOB or Xero

A thin blue line geometric drawing of an event ticket.


Got a committee meeting coming up? Post an RSVP event to see who can make it. Fundraiser function or fancy dinner for friends & family? Create a fully-fledged ticketed event, with options to purchase single tickets or tables of 10. Members can register and pay online—and scan their code when they walk through the door to confirm attendance.

RSVP events—yes, no, maybe
Paid events—tickets or flat price
Add surcharges and late fees
Tailored event registration forms
Track event attendance
Email & export attendee lists

A thin blue line geometric drawing of a speech bubble containing dashed lines 
                        indicating spoken text, along with two envelopes below and to the right of the speech bubble. 
                        The smaller envelope is closed and the larger envelope is open.


Participants are more connected and tech-savvy than ever before, expecting to receive information instantly wherever they are. Harness your digital touchpoints with a multi-channel approach, combining email and SMS in real time, to ensure your message reaches the right person at the right time.

Bulk-deliver email & SMS to members
Measure opens & clicks
SMS to reach members on the go
Target and personalise your messages

A thin blue line geometric drawing of a laptop and smartphone, with a curved
                        arrow connecting the two. Both devices have geometric representations of content (a square for
                        an image and horizontal lines for text), showing how the content behaves in a responsive manner
                        when switching between devices.

free website

You'd like to set up your own website, but don't know where to start. Or—you had a website custom built, but your IT person is no longer on the committee... and no one else knows how to use it. Whatever your story, we've got you covered with our simple yet stylish websites—no coding experience needed!

Create rich, engaging content
Share your news and events
Post photos, videos and more
Integrate your social media channels
See which pages get the most traffic
Customise with your domain name

A thin blue line geometric drawing of a shopping cart, containing a horizontal arrow.

online shop

You've painstakingly designed your team uniforms. You've sent the order to the manufacturer. Finally, after what seems like forever, the delivery comes in. You crack open the box, breathing in the smell of new fabric. Now here comes the fun part—posting the products online and watching the orders roll in.

Custom product range—sizes, colours
Offer member discount pricing
Provide pickup or postage options
Track member purchase history
Accept donations online
Stock & inventory reporting

A thin blue line geometric drawing of a trophy, with dashed diagonal lines 
                        underneath it indicating its abstract shadow. To the left of the trophy are three dashed-line 
                        circles stacked in a triangle, indicating balls (e.g. softball, baseball, cricket).


Our platform was originally developed for a water polo competition, so you know we have the basics down pat—as well as all the weird and wonderful aspects of running a competition. And once the match is over, you can pop the results on your smartphone straight away, and watch the live ladders update before your eyes.

Generate complex fixtures quickly
Restrict participant eligibility
Track match attendance
Measure player performance
Enter live scores fieldside
Dynamic point score rankings

A thin blue line geometric drawing. Two dashed lines intersect in a big 
                        plus-sign shape, dividing the space into four quadrants. The quadrants contain the following images:
                        top-left, a tennis racquet; top-right, a person swimming; bottom-left, ballet shoes; bottom-right,
                        a dumbbell.

classes & training

You're a netball club that runs weekly training on a Wednesday night. Or, a swim squad that holds 5am training every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Or, you're a dance or yoga studio that holds 30+ classes a week, each with a different instructor, theme, and pricing. Whatever the brief—we've got the tools to handle it.

Customisable weekly schedules
Accept casuals and permanents
Assign instructors & venues
Optionally charge overall or per session
Email & SMS attendees
Track class attendance

A thin blue line geometric drawing of a monthly calendar. A random 
                        smattering of the days of the calendar have Xs drawn on them.

asset & venue bookings

Maybe you have expensive equipment & uniforms you hire out to members on a regular basis. Or maybe you have a clubhouse or hall that you rent out to the public for an hourly or nightly fee. Ditch the spreadsheet—maximise your organisation's earning potential by taking your bookings online.

Charge hourly or daily
One-off vs recurring bookings
Option to require approval
View calendar & potential clashes
Track venue utilisation
Maintain your assets register

A thin blue line geometric drawing of a watch, looking directly down at the 
                        watch face. The time reads 3pm. The strap is visible on either side of the watch face 
                        (extending diagonally in the bottom-left and top-right), with the buckle situated in the top right.
                         The strap has dashed lines down either side, indicating fabric stitching.


Sometimes it can be like herding cats on game day or at club gatherings—everyone is everywhere trying to do everything! Imagine being able to roster volunteers, umpires, and staff in advance, and let them know well ahead of schedule where they're needed & when. And, imagine them being able to tell you when they're unavailable & why. Yes—it exists!

Create rosters based on who's free
Link rosters to matches & fixtures
Track unavailabilities
Send email & SMS reminders
Customisable rates & roles
Generate timesheets for payment

A geometric line drawing of a briefcase, shown from the side with its handle 
                        at the top. The top of the briefcase has a padlock attached. The briefcase itself has 
                        strips of dashed lines going downwards, indicating stitching details.

governance tools

We take good governance seriously (and so should you!)—but it doesn't have to be difficult. Future-proofing your organisation becomes a breeze with our out-of-the-box governance tools. Everything you put in is searchable and exportable—so you can get all the information you need, when you need it.

Record meeting minutes & attendance
Track arising action items & tasks
Searchable motions & resolutions
Incident reporting & risk management
Injury & medical information tracking
Granular administrator access