
NSW Selection Pathway Event - Update

Published Mon 09 Jan 2017

Some important criteria information regarding the NSW Selection Pathway Event in February.

Age categories -

A JUNIOR boxer is determined using a boxer’s ‘Year of Birth’- (that is, a person born in 2001 or 2002).

A YOUTH boxer is a person born between ‘19 July, 1999 and 20 July, 2001’ (this is the definition of the International Commonwealth Games Federation). As many YOUTH boxers will be seeing selection to the Australian Commonwealth Youth Games Boxing Team, BANSW will implement this age definition.

An ELITE boxer is determined using a boxer's 'Year of Birth' - (that is, a person born in 1977 - 1998).

Affiliated clubs -

As this is event provides an ABA Pathway, only boxers from Affiliated Clubs (2017) will be eligible to compete at this event. 
Form can be found on our website under 'documents'

Weigh-in -

There will be no general weigh-in for this event. Boxers must nominate their weight category and time of nomination. Boxers must weigh-in at their nominated weight. Should boxers be outside of their nominated weight category, they will be immediately disqualified.

Nominations -

Only on-line nominations will be accepted (no forms). Once nominations have opened, boxers can register by hitting the register button associated with the NSW Selection Pathway Event - under 'Events' on our website.

Nomination Fee - $40

We will have complete details of the Selection Criteria & Policy for this event shortly.

A reminder that all 2017 registrations are per calendar year. This includes:

- Boxer registrations
- Club Affiliations

Please ensure all registrations and affiliations are up to date, whilst waiting for the 'NSW Selection Pathway Event' on-line nomination facility, to become available.